5 Holy Habits

Here at Prairie, everything we do is rooted in the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We also organize our life together around 5 Holy Habits. These Holy Habits come directly from Scripture; they are things that Jesus himself lifts up as important. We do to, as we try and model our lives after his!

Learning: We love asking big questions and wrestling with complicated answers. Your head, as well as your heart, are invited in our doors! We believe it’s important to have a safe space to ask questions, learn, and be formed in faith. You can find out more about our learning opportunities on our Adult Ministry page or our Children, Youth and Family page

Giving: We believe that everything we have was given to us by God, so it’s our pleasure and joy to be able to give back! We do this by offering up our time, our talents, and our treasure. Find out more about giving at Prairie here.

Prayer: Praying is simply having a conversation with God—who always promises to listen. We focus on praying for one another, and various situations in our world. It helps us release our own anxieties into God’s loving hands, and it keeps our relationship with Jesus vibrant and active.

Worship: Worship is central to our life together. It’s one of the main ways we come together as a community, and it’s our opportunity to give thanks to God, hear God’s word, and experience the loving presence of Jesus. You can learn more about how we worship here

Serving: We are called to share the love of God with others. Where people are hungry, we are called to feed them. When they need shelter, we’re called to find a place for them to stay. There are lots of opportunities to serve at PLC—ways to walk alongside those who are hurting and to help meet their needs. You can find out more on our serving page
